Monday, March 1, 2010

not your typical stroll

i set out for a monday stroll
what a lovely day to do this
yet a stroll is physical activity under 2 miles
------> mine turned into

mile [1]- what a beautiful day! About 50 degrees, jacket on, great day for adventure and exploration. As I was walking down the narrow streets of geneva i found myself humming "what a day for a day dream"

mile [2]- still feeling great. Content and happy with the moment. I got a little off on my directions, but all was fine.

mile [3]- back on route, crossing the bridge full of speeding cars, nearly witnessed a runner getting hit. I realized i was in a full conversation with myself.. one more reason to think i'm a crazy american

mile [4]- finally found the place I had set out looking for... a gym people... a fitness center... that to attend for 3 months is about 500 dollars, yea right... downer on the whole outting

mile [5]- oh no, things are looking similar. Wait I must be going in circles because I passed that same coffee shop a mile ago. Tears began to stream. (I am not embarrassed to tell you all that yes I completely lost it)

mile [6]- realizing i had not had anything to eat since breakfast. But too stubborn to pay 15 francs for a meal, so I settled for a candy bar

mile [7]- realizing I was still no where near home, starting to have aches in my feet, lower back, and legs

mile [8]- debating on wether or not to attempt to lag down a ride, hoping that the outstretched thumb was the UNIVERSAL sign for hitch hiking

mile [9]- limping and favoring my left leg. I didn't even want to glance at the blister that i was expecting to see on my foot. Also thanking God that he did not have me wear the black high heels that matched my outfit better. I would have thrown them over the bridge back at mile 3.

the last quarter mile... trying to speed walk to the best of my abilites because I was so ready to be in that house.... when I got home i collapsed on my bed....

and i laughed

1 comment:

  1. oh lordy! poor chels. i am glad that you made it home safe!!! wish i could ave been there with you... well.. maybe not for the walk, but wish i could have been there to save you!
