Tuesday, March 2, 2010

here is my address

for all those that want my address
here it is:

Angel Lanchas (Chelsea)
137 Rue de Laussane
1202 Geneva Switzerland

i look forward to getting some letters

anyone that knows me
should know
i l.o.v.e to send mail

letters & post cards
are so fun to send
so P.L.E.A.S.E
give me your address if you'd like to receive a letter from euro

also for all of you with skype

the people that i call my "friends"
(you know who you are)
come on let's SKYPE


  1. AMy and I want to skype with you tonight. let's make it happen?

  2. i am currently picking out which stationary i want to use to write to you!

    can three people skype at one time???

  3. 2345 Patterson #33
    Eugene, OR

    Postcard please.

  4. just created this account JUST for more personalized chelsea's blog comments...i'll be sending you a letter soon. look forward to it :)
