Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a .surprise. in my ordinary day

this {adds} to my top moments in switzerland
:: story.time ::
this is what life is all about
i made a friend today
i was on the bus
riding downtown to run errands
i had a list of things to do
i had a {plan}
at this one stop
a lot of people got on the bus
i moved over to share my seat with an elderly man
i smiled
assuming we didn't speak the same language
-----> and we didn't
{one} S-M-I-L-E says a hundred things
this is the truth
he asked me if i spoke espanol
i said ... "me hablo un poquito de espanol"
A.K.A ---> i speak little
he smiled back
i asked if he spoke english
& he shook his head no
we continuted to ride
for the most part in {silence}
he commented on the lovely day we were having
i told him i agreed & that i love the sun
{all} in spanish
i know {everyone} reading this had no idea that i could speak spanish
well ----> neither did i really
the family i'm currently living with speaks spanish as their mother tongue so mine has improved ..very slightly..
& i took 2 years in high school
i was able to understand that he was saying i was so polite
[mom-- you would be proud]
he then asked me if i would like to join him for coffee
{in my head} i thought oh i have lots to do
& i thought.... i don't know this guy
then without anymore hesitation
i said ----- "si senor, vamos"
{yes sir, let us go}
we stopped at the next stop
a very populated area
we went to this nice cafe on the rooftop of a building
overlooking downtown geneva
{everyone} at this place knew him (all the employees)
he was "muy populaire"
he goes there every day
mon-fri & he even has a punch card

we were able to have conversations in SPANISH
i stuttered & was slow at times
we sat there -- him with his coffee & me with my smoothie
how n.i.c.e. of him
we laughed lots
& had a great time
i think he just l-o-v-e-d the company
here is what i got from our convos:
- his name is Juan
- he is {76} years old
- he has lived in geneva for 30 years
- originally from madrid, spain
- before geneva he lived in paris for 1 year
- he loves cooking meals from spain
- he speaks spanish, some french, and no english
- he has 4 kids dispersed all over the world
- he has 1 younger sister sho lives in barcelona
- he suggested i take a vacation to malaga to lay on the beach
after an {hour} went by
i had to inform him that my students (the kids)
would be getting home soon & that i needed to go tutor them
i graciously thanked him
& he kissed my cheeks just like my grandpas would
he then thanked me & said
keep smiling
then we went our seperate ways
as i walked off
i reflected on what had just happened
i just sat down with a {76} year old man
and just talked about life
his life. my life.
strangers that came together
for no other reason but to enjoy a {friend}
(readers, don't forget it was ALL in spanish)
and it was idyllic
i couldn't wipe the smile from my face
this. is. what. life. is. all. about.
what an experience to have on an ordianary day
i may never see {76} year old Juan again
BUT i will know where to find him if i want to
same cafe
monday through friday


  1. simply....

    oh my word. you are so awesome.

  2. YES! I knew there would be some Spanish(Spain) Love some where in your Europe adventure! :) Nice work on your Spanish Tongue! -Shane

  3. That sounds like such an amazing moment. I am sure it is something you will treasure forever. I could have explained to him what foods he would recieve in a WIC package...that is about as far as my Espanol goes. Sounds like you are having such a great time and I am so glad!

  4. chels,
    one. didn't know you spoke spanish AT ALL. quite amazed by you.
    two. you seriously described this little outing of yours so perfectly. i pictured every second of it in my head. {you're such a good writer!}
    such a sweet little experience.
    three. i miss you. lots! come back, and make a trip to logan :) love ya girl

  5. not going to lie, this brought a tear to my eye because it is so SWEET!

  6. LOVE this story. That is what life is ALL about!!!

  7. I love this. I got all warm inside. You really are a fantastic writer.

  8. chels your life is so cool!
    <3 moog
