Sunday, February 21, 2010

T-minus 36 hours

the [single]
most important aspect of traveling is the issue of what to pack

and hello i am moving to Europe

i wish i could pack light

-----> not possible for this young lady

i am closing in on my departure date

[2 days]

and i am staring at an empty suitcase

wondering questions like:

what cardigan do I bring?

---one or both

do i bring the black stilettos or the dressy flats?

---life or death situations fellow bloggers

& don’t let me fool you

i am packing [two] suitcases


a carry on backpack

but give me a break,

you gotta look fashionable AND cute in Europe


what is that making its way into my suitcase?

a.k.a the money belt

this hidden pouch will be a lifesaver

ugly… [check]

uncomfortably strapped around your waist and awkwardly tucked under your clothes… [check]

but it brings you peace of mind

i could lose everything except my money belt,

and the trip could still go on

so wish me luck on the final hours of my packing

i plan on writing about my adventures and posting photos of my excursions while i'm abroad

i may not have many blog followers, but those that do....

i hope you enjoy!

i'll keep things entertaining

dear europe,
i'll be seeing you soon
i know we'll fall in love
can't wait

xoxo- chels


  1. CHELS!!! i am SOOOO excited for you. good luck packin girl.. that would be tough for me as well. {on a 2 day trip i still take home 2 bags}. i love you so much chels and i cannot wait to here about all your adventures!!!! have the time of your life girl.
    love ya so much!

    ps. did i mention im BEYOND jealous?

  2. girl, you need heels AND flats.

    Good luck with the little rascals...always show them who's boss. You. And the continent better be the only thing you fall in love with. Long distance sucks.


  3. Have a great trip Chels! I enjoyed our visit today. Make sure to say hi to all my friends in Europe. If they tell you any stories about your uncle, they are probably false.

  4. chels! it's moog have so much fun, can't wait to see pictures! oh and i agree with ash take both cardigans :)
